The Warm Shi Machine Qi Ren Prison Kong Installed of this Chong works, which are set, has consisted essentially of Kong Zhu Machine in one, at least a Gong Zuo Machine devices people, Zhi Shao mono- Auxiliary Zhu Machine device peopleInner each Gong Zuo Machine devices people in the rooms Warm are grasped by middle Kong Zhu Machine Quasi Indeed Ji operation Er Dao the Da Even that the position And When You Gong Zuo Machine device people of Ge Auxiliary Zhu Machine device people complete its place gangway meet each gangway Inter Move of what and remove Time, by middle Kong Zhu Machine control nearest Auxiliary Zhu Machine devices people Will Gong Zuo Machine Qi Ren ?be sent to the work Zou Dao Following Continued operations of other not yet operations, You imitates the working efficiency of Ti Sheng Machine device people.本創作之溫室機器人監控裝置基本上包括有一中控主機、至少一工作機器人、至少一輔助機器人;由中控主機準確掌握溫室內各工作機器人及各輔助機器人的位置,並當有工作機器人完成其所在工作走道之作業而到達連接於各工作走道之間的遷移走道時,由中控主機控制就近的輔助機器人將工作機器人運送到其他尚未作業的工作走道繼續作業,有效提升機器人之工作效率。