The invention relates to an equipment for the glaucoma adjuvant treatment. According to the invention, the equipment consists of some therapeutic modules controlled by a central unit (1) and supplied with electric energy from an internal source (2), namely: a vibrational electro acupuncture module (3) which comprises a generator of electric pulses of specific shape, with a voltage and frequency specific to glaucoma, which are applied to specific acupuncture points, by means of some electrodes, a module (4) of acoustic pulses which emits sound harmonics with frequencies set for glaucoma, transmitted towards the patient by means of headphones, a module (5) for energizing in electromagnetic field, consisting of a generator of electromagnetic medium meant to obtain an electromagnetic field with preset frequencies, by means of a coil, electromagnetic field which is present in the enclosure where the patient is located, and is transmitted towards the same through the air and by means of some contact electrodes in the acupuncture points S3 and a quantum module (6) made with two light sources with LEDs emitting within the green light spectrum, having a wave length of 540 nm, the LEDs being placed in front of some frosted glass eyeglasses lenses, with the role of stimulating the ocular structures.Invenţia se referă la un echipament pentru tratamentul adjuvant al glaucomului. Echipamentul conform invenţiei este alcătuit din nişte module terapeutice, comandate de o unitate (1) centrală, şi alimentate cu energie electrică de la o sursă (2) internă, şi anume: un modul (3) de electropunctură vibraţională, care este constituit dintr-un generator de impulsuri electrice de formă specifică, având o tensiune şi frecvenţă specifice glaucomului, care sunt aplicate în puncte de acupunctură specifice, prin intermediul unor electrozi, un modul (4) de impulsuri sonore, care emite armonici sonore cu frecvenţe stabilite pentru glaucom, şi care sunt transmise către pacient prin intermediul uno