SIGALL Kevin I. (CA),СИГАЛЛ Кевин И. (CA),GRIN Brent I. (CA),ГРИН Брент И. (CA),SIGALL Kevin I.,СИГАЛЛ Кевин И.,GRIN Brent I.,ГРИН Брент И.
FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to production of soya protein product with soya protein content of at least 60 wt%. (N×6.25) in terms of dry mass. Soya protein source is subjected to extraction treatment with a calcium salt solution for solubilization of soya protein and formation of aqueous solution. Aqueous solution is separated from residual soya protein source. Aqueous solution of soya protein is optionally concentrated using selective membrane technology with simultaneous maintenance of ionic strength, diafiltration and drying solution. Separated soya protein aqueous solution is subjected to thermal treatment for precipitation of soya protein therefrom and or whole solution is dried, or protein is separated from heated solution and precipitate is dried to produce soya protein product. If diafiltration step took place, soya protein solution is subjected to thermal treatment for precipitation of soya protein therefrom and or whole solution is dried, or precipitated soya protein is separated from heated solution and dried. If drying step took place, dried material is again suspended in water. Formed solution is optionally adjusted to pH level of up to 6 and repeatedly suspended material is subjected to thermal treatment for precipitation of soya protein and either whole heat-treated material is dried to produce soya protein product, or precipitated protein is separated from heated material and precipitated protein is dried to produce soya protein product. There are presented versions of production of soya protein product with lower degree of purity with properties of soya protein isolates, products have improved functional properties such as high moisture binding capacity.EFFECT: group of inventions enables to increase variety of soya products.14 cl, 8 tbl, 7 exГруппа изобретений относится к способам получения соевого белкового продукта с содержанием соевого белка, по меньшей мере, 60% мас. (N×6,25) в расчете на сухую массу. Источник со