FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: inventions group relates to food industry. An extrusion mixture containing a mixture of sodium alginate solution is extruded into the forming medium in a drop mode. The forming medium is represented by milk containing free calcium ions. The mixture is maintained during 5-30 minutes to produce granules. After granules separation one obtains decalcified milk and a granulated product with calcium ions. Sodium alginate is dissolved in decalcified milk. The mixture is extruded into the forming medium in a drop mode and maintained during 5-30 minutes to obtain a granulated food product and a new portion of decalcified milk that will be used for extrusion mixture preparation. Granules based on decalcified milk and milk calcium ions are mixed to obtain granules based on decalcified milk and milk calcium ions obtained at the first stage. The extrusion mixture contains sodium alginate solution in an amount of 0.5-3.0 wt %, the ratio of the extrusion mixture to the forming medium being (40.0:100.0)-(15.0:225.0) g/g. The granulated food product consists of granules based on decalcified milk in an amount of 97.0-99.5 wt % and calcium alginate in an amount of 0.5-3.0 wt %.EFFECT: inventions group is aimed at manufacture of the proposed product and development of wasteless production during the product manufacture the method may be implemented at a room temperature equal to 20-25°C without additional heating.2 cl, 8 exГруппа изобретений относится к пищевой промышленности. Экструдируют в формирующую среду в капельном режиме экструзионную смесь, содержащую смесь раствора альгината натрия. В качестве формирующей среды используют молоко, содержащее свободные ионы кальция. Выдерживают смесь 5-30 мин с образованием гранул. После отделения гранул получают декальцинированное молоко и гранулированный продукт с ионами кальция. Растворяют альгинат натрия в декальцинированном молоке. Экструдируют смесь в формирующую среду в капельном режиме и выдерживают 5-30 м