1. Flavoring composition of Maillard containing a structured lipid phase, a polar solvent other than water, or a mixture of polar solvents, where at least one of the polar solvents is different from water, and at least one product of the Maillard reaction. The composition of claim 1, wherein the structured lipid phase contains from about 0.3% to about 95% polar solvent and from about 5% to about 99.7% lipid, wherein the lipid contains edible oil, or fat, or an emulsifier ; in which the Maillard reaction product is inside the structured lipid phase. 3. The composition of claim 2, wherein the structured lipid phase contains from about 0.1% to about 99.7% of the lipid and from about 0.3% to about 95% of the polar solvent phase, and in which the lipid is an oil, fat, emulsifier or their combination. 4. The composition according to claim 1, obtained by a method comprising creating a structured lipid phase containing a continuous lipid phase containing a lipid, and a dispersible phase of a polar solvent that contains at least one first reagent having a free carbonyl group, and a second reagent having an amino group, available for reaction with the free carbonyl of the first reagent. 5. The composition according to claim 1, obtained by a method comprising: (a) creating a structured lipid phase containing a continuous lipid phase containing a lipid, and a dispersible phase of a polar solvent that contains at least one first reagent having a free carbonyl group, and a second reagent, having an amino group available for reaction with the free carbonyl of the first reagent; and (b) structural1. Вкусоароматическая композиция Майяра, содержащая структурированную липидную фазу, полярный растворитель, отличный от воды, или смесь полярных растворителей, где по меньшей мере один из полярных растворителей является отличным от воды, и по меньшей мере один продукт реакции Майяра.2. Композиция по п.1, в которой структурированная липидная фаза содержит от около 0,3% до около 95% полярног