The invention provides a method of using unpolished rice prepared by GABA-enriching unhulled rice to obtain high value-added whole grain rice flour. In this method, the unhulled rice is placed in a hot and humid air stream, subjected to processing that enriches the GABA content of the unhulled rice, and then dried until a predetermined water content is attained. The unhulled rice is then hulled to give unpolished rice, and the unpolished rice is sorted to extract the immature grains, which are then milled to give whole grain rice flour. By this process, high value can be added to immature grains which were hitherto sold off cheaply.本發明提供一種全粒粉米粉之製造方法,係使用以稻穀為對象進行GABA(即γ-胺基丁酸)豐富化處理之後的糙米,而得到附加價值更高的全粒粉米粉之方法。上述方法,係對稻穀通入加溫加濕氣體,以進行使該稻穀的GABA含量豐富化的處理,之後使該稻穀乾燥至既定水分,接著對該稻穀進行脫殼處理,以成為糙米,並對該糙米進行穀粒篩選以選出未熟米,再將該未熟米製粉以得到全粒粉米粉,藉此可賦予以往只能低價售出的未熟米高附加價值。