The invention belongs to the field of health products and food, and discloses a composition comprising inulin, hawthorn juice, honeysuckle extract and peach juice, without adding flavors, pigments, preservatives, sucrose, honey, and without animal sources. Raw materials, gluten-free, legumes, and other allergens are in line with the trend of people's pursuit of natural health of food. The dosage is small and convenient to take. It can be directly dissolved in water, soluble in cold water and absorbed quickly. The composition provided by the invention has a simple preparation method, is suitable for large-scale production, is convenient to carry, and has good stability and long storage time. Experiments show that the composition provided by the present invention has the effect of assisting in reducing triglycerides, and has significant effects, and can be used to prepare health foods with functions of lowering blood fat and digestion.本發明屬於保健品、食品領域,公開了一種組合物,包括菊粉、山楂濃縮汁、金銀花提取物和蜜桃濃縮汁,不添加香精、色素、防腐劑、蔗糖、蜂蜜,不添加動物來源原料,無麩質、豆類等過敏原,符合人們追求食品天然健康的理念趨勢,且服用劑量小,服食方便,可直接溶於水中服用,冷水可溶,吸收快。本發明提供的組合物製備方法簡單,適合大規模生產,攜帶方便,製得的組合物穩定性好,存放時間長。實驗表明本發明提供的組合物具有輔助降低甘油三酯的作用,效果顯著,可用於製備具有降血脂、消食功能的保健食品。