The invention relates to a videoendoscope having disposable functional tubing (14a) and equipped with a handle (2), a peripheral device (3), an insertion tube (1) ending with a distal tip (la) and divided into a deflective distal tube (lb) with bendable element (Id) and a flexible proximal tube (1c). According to the invention, the sealed detachable vision- lighting module (16) terminated with a distal end (16a) is detachably fixed with half clamps (1a1, 1a2). The clamping rings (1a1, 1a2) comprise outflows (1a1a, 1a1b, 1a1C, 1a2a) of functional tubing (14a) that form the distal tip (1a),wherein a proximal end (1d2) of the bendable element (1d) is connected with the flexible proximal tube (1c) and a distal end (1d1) of the bendable element (Id) is fastened with the half clamps (1a1, 1a2). A conical culvert (4) is mounted to the flexible proximal tube (1c) that is detachably connected with the handle (2) and a connector bundle (14) extends comprising bundle of functional tubing (14a), transmission wires bundle (14b) and multifilament optical fibre (14c). The connectors bundle (14 ) is detachably connected with the peripheral device (3) by mechanical or electrical connectors.Linvention concerne un vidéo-endoscope qui possède un tubage fonctionnel jetable (14a) et qui est pourvu dune poignée (2), dun dispositif périphérique (3), dun tube dinsertion (1) se terminant par une pointe distale (la) et divisé en un tube distal de flexion (lb) ayant un élément pliable (Id) et un tube proximal souple (1c). Selon linvention, le module déclairage de vision, détachable et étanche (16) et se terminant par une extrémité distale (16a), est fixé de manière détachable par des demi-pinces (1a1, 1a2). Les bagues de serrage (1a1, 1a2) comprennent des sorties (1a1a, 1a1b, 1a1C, 1a2a) de tubage fonctionnel (14a) qui forment la pointe distale (1a), une extrémité proximale (1d2) de lélément pliable (1d) étant reliée au tube proximal souple (1c) et une extrémité distale (1d1) de lélément pliab