This invention has, in order the multiple formations adaptation to the airtight husk (1) and aforementioned husk circles the exhaust air to do inside (3) and the aforementioned husk, the valve which is formed (2) and, it regards the body compatible element which possesses the rigidity which the first conservation formation which consists of the material to which aforementioned formation (4), the core part which consists of high Youngs modulus and the material which possesses flexibility (4a) with, is located on both sides of the aforementioned core part, possesses high coefficient of friction (4b) with, features that it possesses, is controlled by vacuum. The equipment and the conservation armament to unite with the aforementioned compatible element are formed with optimum format vis-a-vis the body, at the same time, can adaptation.本発明は、気密性包被部(1)と、前記包被部内に適合された複数の層(3)と、前記包被部の内部を排気するように構成されたバルブ(2)と、を備え、前記層(4)は、高ヤング率及び柔軟性を有する物質から成る芯部(4a)と、前記芯部の両側に位置する、高摩擦係数を有する物質から成る第一保護層(4b)と、を有することを特徴とする、負圧で制御される剛性を有する身体適合要素に関する。前記適合要素で組み上げられた装具及び保護装備は、身体に対して最適な様式で形作られ、かつ、適合され得る。