FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: skin is cut. The large gluteus muscle is separated along its fibers and the middle and small gluteus muscles are brought upwards. The oblique osteotomy of the large trochanter is performed, the upper sections of the square muscle of the thigh are cut. At that, a guideline is drawn, connecting the tip of the large trochanter of the femur and the distal section of the sacroiliac joint, corresponding to the upper edge of the piriform muscle. The medial part of skin incision begins stepping 2-2.5 cm caudally from the guideline. It is continued in the direction of the large trochanter of the femur until they intersect, which corresponds to the lower edge of the piriform muscle, and continued along the outer surface of the thigh. A transversal incision of the wide fascia of the femur is made at the level of the large trochanter base sufficient to place a bit or blade of the bone oscillating saw, the large gluteus muscle fibers are separated blantly. The middle, small buttocgluteous and piriform muscles are removed upwards. A revision of the posterior column, the limb bent at the knee joint is performed. External rotation is induced, oblique osteotomy of the large trochanter is performed. It is displaced back and upwards. The upper sections of the square muscle of the thigh are cut, the piriform, twin and inner inhibitory muscles are freely withdrawn upwards.EFFECT: method allows to reduce the traumatic nature of surgical intervention, to increase the view and to provide freedom of manipulation in the wound, up to the ischial hillock base, to improve the results of treatment.9 dwgИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к травматологии и ортопедии. Выполняют разрез кожи. Разводят большую ягодичную мышцу вдоль ее волокон и отводят кверху подлежащие среднюю и малую ягодичную мышцу. Косую остеотомию большого вертела, надсекают верхние отделы квадратной мышцы бедра. При этом намечают линию-ориентир, соединяющую верхушку большого вертела бедренной к