The present invention relates to the tablet and the system for waste disposal of spit and other similar waste thereof. The invention consists of the tablet and the system for the disposal of the same thereof. The tablet consists of 6.5 gm Sodium Polyacrylate, 3.5 gm Starch and 2gm Aerosil. These are mixed for a time period of approx. 30 mins. The tablet formed has a fix dimension. The system thereof consists of glass with the tablet inside to form a unit. This works by jellifying the residue of spit etc. The method and a disposal system for the same is also present. Vomit/Spitting Absorbent tablet is a mixture of Sodiumpolyacrylate which contains polymers that can absorb and retain extremely large amounts of a liquid relative to their own mass and remaining mixture is Starch & Aerosil used to bind in tablet form.