The present invention provides a solid medium composition for culturing artificial seed potatoes containing sugar blocks made of sucrose of 90 g/l or more as an effective component and a method for one-step culturing artificial seed potatoes comprising: (a) a step of inoculating new potato shoots sterilized on an MS solid medium and rooting and (b) a step of forming tubercle by adding a solid medium composition for culturing artificial seed potatoes to the MS solid medium including roots in 15-25 days after cultivation.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2014[Reference numerals] (AA) Medium production(BB) Necessity to perform a transplanting and cultivating process on a new medium during the transition from a first cultivation stage to a second cultivation stage(CC) Artificial seed potato production cost reduction (labor cost)(DD) Artificial seed potato production cost reduction (medium reagent ingredient cost)(EE) One-Step cultivation method(FF) One time method(GG) Transplanting process unnecessary (labor force unnecessary)(HH) 30 won/seed potato(II) 10 won/seed potato(JJ) Two-Step cultivation method(KK) Two time method(LL) Transplanting process necessary (labor force necessary)(MM) 60 won/seed potato(NN) 20 won/seed potato본 발명은 90g/ℓ이상의 농도의 수크로스(sucrose)를 고형으로 제제화시킨 슈가블록(sugar block)을 유효성분으로 함유하는 인공 씨감자 배양용 고형 배지 조성물 및 (a) MS 고체배지에 무균처리된 감자 신초를 접종한 후 배양하여 발근시키는 단계 및 (b) 배양 시작 후 15~25일째에 상기 발근체를 포함하는 MS 고체배지에 상기 인공 씨감자 배양용 고형 배지 조성물을 첨가하여 서서히 녹으면서 소괴경을 형성시키는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 원-스텝(one-step) 인공 씨감자 배양 방법을 제공한다.