Preparation of consist\u00cancia semi s\u00d3lida gelatinous and very el\u00c1stico aimed at nd and personal hygiene in the bath or shower.It s a cosm\u00c9tico constitu\u00cddo based gelatin plant, water soluble extract of she carrageno, extracted from seaweed, rich in carrageninas (MOSS irland\u00cas) which gives a consist\u00cancia semi s\u00d3lida gelatinous and el\u00c1stica which allows free progressively hydrates Prior to the skin, in particular glic\u00d3licos extracts of plants and glycerin.As well as the aromatic agents embedded in its constitution when used in a water bath at temperatures between 30 to 40 \u00ba C while keeping its consist\u00cancia caracter\u00cdstica.It s a preparation that can be infused with essential oils, herbal infusions, infus\u00d5es fruit or infus\u00d5es aromatic spices, giving it a very interesting sensory properties during use in the bath or shower. In addition to the soothing and moisturizing properties, sensory, given its content, can still have cosmetic properties of washing and cleaning of the skin.In this set are incorporated only a preservative and maximum two surfactants, with the majority of its natural constituents and harmless to the environment.This preparation can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer after each use for subsequent re-use because maintains its consist\u00cancia semi s\u00d3lida gelatinous and el\u00c1stica when subjected to temperatures ranging from 0 to about 110 degrees.PREPARADO DE CONSISTÊNCIA SEMI-SÓLIDA GELATINOSA E MUITO ELÁSTICO DESTINADO À HIDRATAÇÃO E HIGIENE PESSOAL NO BANHO OU DUCHE. É UM COSMÉTICO CONSTITUÍDO À BASE DE GELATINA VEGETAL, SOLÚVEL EM ÁGUA GRAÇAS AO EXTRATO DE CARRAGENO, EXTRAÍDO DE UMA ALGA MARINHA, RICA EM CARRAGENINAS (MUSGO IRLANDÊS) O QUE LHE CONFERE UMA CONSISTÊNCIA SEMI-SÓLIDA GELATINOSA E ELÁSTICA O QUE PERMITE LIBERTAR PROGRESSIVAMENTE HIDRATANTES PARA A PELE, NOMEADAMENTE EXTRATOS GLICÓLICOS DE PLANTAS E GLICERINA, BEM COMO OS AGENTES AROMÁTICOS INCORPORADOS N