A raw extract disinfected soybean milk and various soybean milk products containing the raw extract disinfected soybean milk having thick taste are provided. A protein bridging enzyme is added to perform a reaction to soy bean milk acquired by a raw extracting method or milky solution before separating the soybean milk and the tofu slurry. Then a disinfecting treatment is carried out. The said raw extract disinfected soybean milk has the original taste of soy bean, thick feeling (rich taste) and special flavor that general soybean milk does not have. The soybean milk can be used as an ingredient for various soybean milk products.一種具有濃厚感的生榨殺菌豆奶及含有生榨殺菌豆奶的各種豆奶製品。生榨殺菌豆奶為在以生榨法得到的豆奶中,或以生榨法分離為豆奶和豆腐渣之前的乳狀液中,加入蛋白質交聯酶進行作用,並進行殺菌處理。上述之生榨殺菌豆漿具有一般的豆奶所不具備之大豆原本的美味、濃厚感(醇濃味道)和良好的風味,且作為各種豆奶製品用的原料,效果優良。