The present invention relates to a method for producing gnocchi pasta comprising milk cream sauce, comprising: a first step of adding 15 parts by weight of garlic slices, 20 parts by weight of shallot, and 40 parts by weight of seafood, after adding oil to a pan, based on 100 parts by weight of gnocchi added in the third step described later and then frying the mixture at 80 to 100 degrees for about 3 minutes, followed by flambe with wine; a second step of putting 20 to 30 parts by weight of fish stock based on 100 parts by weight of gnocchi added in the third step to be described later after the first step and boiling for 3 minutes at 80 to 100 degree; and a third step of adding the boiled gnocchi to the pan and seasoning with salt after adding 3 parts by weight of salt, 3 parts by weight of pepper, 5 parts by weight of herbs, 100 parts by weight of milk cream sauce and 20 parts by weight of fresh cream, based on 100 parts by weight of gnocchi.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2020팬에 오일을 첨가한 다음 후술하는 제3단계에서 첨가되는 뇨끼 100중량부에 대하여 마늘 슬라이스 15중량부, 샬롯 20중량부, 해산물 40중량부를 넣고 80~100도에서 3분가량 볶은 다음 와인으로 후람베(flambe)를 하는 제1단계; 상기1단계 후 후술하는 제3단계에서 첨가되는 뇨끼 100중량부에 대하여 피쉬스탁 20~30중량를 넣고 80~100도에서 3분동안 끓여주는 제2단계; 삶은 뇨끼를 상기 팬에 첨가하고 뇨끼 100중량부에 대하여 소금 3중량부, 후추 3중량부, 허브 5중량부, 우유크림소스 100중량부, 생크림 20중량부를 넣고 간을 맞추는 제3단계;를 포함하는것을 특징으로 하는 우유크림소스를 포함하는 뇨끼 파스타의 제조방법