mainly palm based fat, solidification hardly occurs, a melting properties in the mouth good inexpensive foamable oil-in-water emulsified fat composition, of fat and oil components contained in the oil phase, 7-55 mass S2U triglycerides %, 0.5 to 5% by weight of the SSS triglycerides, contain 25 to 80% by weight in total and a three-saturated triglyceride and S2U triglycerides containing SSS triglyceride, mass ratio of S2U triglyceride / SU2 triglycerides from 0.8 to 2.2 range, S2U triglycerides / SSS weight ratio of triglycerides than 3.8, the mass ratio of SSU triglycerides / SUS triglycerides 1.0 or more and the weight ratio of P / S is 0.45 or more, the solids in the fat and oil component fat content of 10 more than 40%, 5% at 35 or less, is less than or equal to 1% at 40 foaming oil-in-water emulsion fat composition (in this case, S is the saturation of 16 or more 22 or less carbon atoms fatty acid residue, U is a carbon number 16 to 22 unsaturated fatty acid residues, P is palmitic acid residue.).パーム系油脂を主体とし、固化が起こりにくく、口溶けがよい安価な起泡性水中油型乳化油脂組成物であって、油相に含まれる油脂成分中、S2Uトリグリセリドを7~55質量%、SSSトリグリセリドを0.5~5質量%、SSSトリグリセリドを含む三飽和トリグリセリドとS2Uトリグリセリドとを合計で25~80質量%含み、S2Uトリグリセリド/SU2トリグリセリドの質量比が0.8~2.2の範囲、S2Uトリグリセリド/SSSトリグリセリドの質量比が3.8以上、SSUトリグリセリド/SUSトリグリセリドの質量比が1.0以上、P/Sの質量比が0.45以上であり、油脂成分中の固体脂含量が10℃で40%以上、35℃で5%以下、40℃で1%以下である起泡性水中油型乳化油脂組成物(ここで、Sは炭素数が16以上22以下の飽和脂肪酸残基、Uは炭素数が16以上22以下の不飽和脂肪酸残基、Pはパルミチン酸残基である。)。