Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe nauchnoe uchrezhdenie Federalnyj nauchnyj tsentr "Vserossijskij nauchno-issledovatelskij i tekhnologicheskij institut ptitsevodstva" Rossijskoj akademii nauk (FN
Makhonina Valentina Nikolaevna (RU),Махонина Валентина Николаевна (RU),Agafonychev Valerij Petrovich (RU),Агафонычев Валерий Петрович (RU),Tsvetkov Anatolij Ivanovich (RU),Цветков Анатолий Иванович (R
FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to meat and poultry-processing industry and may be used for production of cooked, boiled-baked and smoked molded products based on eggs. Method for production of molded products based on egg components involves preparation of protein and yolk, pouring the obtained mixture into molds and heat treatment in controlled conditions. To produce product in the form of wilderen, separate thermal treatment of protein and yolk is performed for 26 minutes to heating temperature in the center of protein and yolk 90.0÷92.0 °C, and cooling for 28 minutes to protein and yolk temperature to 21.5÷24.5 °C at protein heating rate of 3.4÷3.8⋅10-3 1/s, and yolk 4.9÷5.7⋅10-3 1/s. Heat treatment of egg mixture is carried out in collapsible fluoroplastic forms with outer diameter of 32.0–35.0 mm, having an internal coaxial tube with wall thickness of 1.5–4.5 mm and inner diameter of 20.0–22.0 mm. In the recipe, components of animal and/or plant origin may additionally be used.EFFECT: proposed method for production of molded products based on egg components provides creation of a wide range of molded sausages with high organoleptic qualities on the basis of eggs with their weight ratio from 50 to 100 % in the recipe.1 cl, 2 tblИзобретение относится к мясной и птицеперерабатывающей промышленности и может быть использовано при производстве вареных, варено-запеченных и копченых формованных продуктов на основе яиц. Способ получения формованных продуктов на основе компонентов яйца предусматривает подготовку белка и желтка, залив полученной смеси в формы и термообработку в регулируемых условиях. Для получения продукта в виде сарделек осуществляют раздельную термообработку белка и желтка в течение 26 мин до температуры нагрева в центре белка и желтка 90,0÷92,0°С, а охлаждение в течение 28 мин до температуры белка и желтка до 21,5÷24,5°С при темпе нагрева белка 3,4÷3,8⋅10-3 1/с, а желтка 4,9÷5,7⋅10-3 1/с. Термообработку яичной смеси ведут в сборно-ра