An unpolished rice cake manufacturing method includes the step of providing unpolished rice, polished rice and rhizome plants soaking and washing the unpolished rice and the polished rice mixing the washed polished rice and polished rice in a certain percentage of weight with water, and further grinding the mixed rice and the rhizome plants into a rice milk mixture and heating and cooling down the rice milk mixture to form a highly nutritious and non-sticky teeth unpolished rice cake.一種糙米粿之製造方法,包含下列步驟:提供一糙米及一白米及一根莖類植物;將該糙米及白米浸泡後進行清洗作業;接著將清洗完成之糙米及白米混合後以固定重量比例與水進行混合並同時磨碎成漿後,進行加熱步驟;最後,將加熱完成之糙米及白米及根莖類植物之混合物冷卻成形即成營養價值高且不易黏牙的糙米粿。