PURPOSE: A method for manufacturing enzyme powder for Korean sauces is provided to have excellent flavor and shelf life by using rice, bean and embryo bud of mill as base materials. CONSTITUTION: Base materials are put into a high pressure sterilizer and steamed at 121°;C for 30 minutes while being sterilized. Cultured colloid is manufactured by adding 2-3 weight% of aspergillus oryzae and 97-98 weight% of the sterilized base materials and three times more distilled water than the base materials. The cultivation colloid is cultivated at a relative humidity of 80-90% and a temperature of 35±;2°;C for 48 hours. The cultivation colloid is dried with a vacuum dryer at a temperature of 40-60°;C and pulverized in order to have a moisture content of less than 10%. The powder is sealed and packed. The base material is manufactured by mixing grain embryo powder. The grain embryo is at least one selected from rice embryo, soybean embryo and wheat embryo.본원 발명은 곡물 배아를 이용한 장류첨가용 기능성 효소분말에 관한 것으로 쌀, 콩 및 소맥 배아 중에서 선택되는 하나 이상의 곡물 배아를 균일하게 혼합한 기질을 고압살균기에 넣고 증숙과 동시에 고온에서 멸균처리 한다음 냉각시킨 멸균된 혼합물에 정수제와 종균을 첨가한 균질성의 원료액으로 발효시에서 48시간 배양한 다음 건조실에서 수분함량 10%가 되도록 건조하여 분말화시킨 곡물 배아를 이용한 장류제조용 기능성 효소분말의 제조방법에 관한 것이다.