In a method for preparing a cheese chicken cutlet, chicken breasts are beat with the back of a knife gently, and the reason for beating is to soften the thick meat. After beating the chicken breasts, salt and pepper are added to season the meat, cheese is inserted between the chicken breasts in a way that cheese does not flow out, and dip the meat in batter. Flour, egg water, and bread crumbs are added to the batter, and the batter is fried twice in oil on frying pan at an appropriate temperature. After frying, the oil is drained and the cutlet is placed on a plate.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018치즈치킨커틀렛 제조방법은, 일단 닭가슴살을 칼등으로 살짝 두들겨주는데, 두들기는 이유는 두꺼운 살을 연하게 해주기 위함이다. 잘 두들겨준 후에는 소금, 후추로 밑간을 해둔 후, 닭가슴살의 사이에 치즈를 안 빠지게 잘 넣어주고 튀김옷을 입히는데, 튀김옷은 밀가루, 달걀물, 빵가루순서로 묻히고, 튀기기에 적정온도인 기름에 2번 튀겨준다. 튀긴후 기름을 빼주고 접시에 놓는다.