The present invention relates to an abdominal exercise chair. More specifically, the abdominal exercise chair can prevent athletic ability from being degraded when a user sits on a chair and does office work, prevent a disease, such as a cervical disk problem, a lumbar disc problem, or a stenosis, caused by pressure on the spine′s cartilage due to a load caused while a user carries heavy things or sits on a chair for long hours, have an acupressure function of practicing an acupressure on a palm or the sole of a foot to provide treatment, allow blood to easily flow through vessels, and activate the body′s circulation system, allow a user to normally sit on a chair and do abdominal exercises by bending the waist, arms, or legs or lifting like lifting a dumbbell or barbell, prevent and solve cervical disk problems and lumbar disc problems using the load generated when the chin is placed on a chin holder. A foot acupressure unit rotates, and a foot acupressure rotation grip is inserted into a left hole formed on the left plate and is fixed by a fixture. A backrest is horizontally leaned rearward. The top of a foot is fastened with the foot acupressure fastener. Thus, an abdominal exercise in which the waist is bent backward and forward can be performed. Further, when the backrest is upright, and the chair gripped and pulled, physical strength is gained from the exercise of bending the arms like lifting a dumbbell. When the arms are moved upward or downward like lifting a barbell, and knees of legs are secured by a wire rope extended from the grip and are bent or unbent to strengthen muscles of the popliteal fossa and bladder, complex and various exercises similar to pushups or lifting a barbell can be performed.본 발명은 복부운동 겸용의자에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 의자에 오래 앉아 사무를 볼 때 운동능력이 저하되는 것을 방지하고, 무거운 물건을 이고 지거나, 의자에 오래 앉아 있는 동안 하중에 의해 척추의 연골이 압박을 받아 목디스크나 허리디스크 및 협착증 같은 질환을 일으키는 것을 방지 및 치료함과 아울러 혈맥이 원활하고 순조롭게 운행되어 몸의 순환계가 활성화될 수 있도록 손바닥이나 발바닥의 경혈을 지압하는 지압기능을 갖도록 함은 물론, 평상시 의자로 사용하다가