< Topic > The disclosure system, the impression material mixed kneading to the process which relocates the impression material to impression taking instrument tool from the process which harmonizes, makes the opportunity of blowhole mixture to the impression material decrease. Solutions The disclosure system has, while revolving the container for churning degassinging, the impression material extrusion device which you use the occasion where it installs the impression material for dentistry which generates inside the churning of the material of the impression material for dentistry and churning degassinging device and the container for churning degassinging which degassing simultaneously by rotating, to the specified place and, the container fixed part which locks the container for churning degassinging where the container for churning degassinging, the plug part which opening and closing possibly is closed and, has the opening and the said opening on cartridge head, the impression material extrusion device, puts the opening in open stateYou hold down the impression material for dentistry from above, the impression material extrusion section which is pushed out from the opening and, you possess, the impression material for dentistry which is pushed out from the opening, you feature that it installs to the specified place in order to take the die of the gearwheel. < Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】 開示システムは、印象材を混合・練和する工程から印象材を印象採得用器具へ移設する工程まで、印象材への気泡混入の機会を低減させる。【解決手段】 開示システムは、攪拌脱泡用容器を公転させながら自転させることにより、歯科用印象材の材料の攪拌と脱泡を同時に行う攪拌脱泡装置と、攪拌脱泡用容器内で生成された歯科用印象材を所定の場所へ設置する際に使用する印象材押出装置と、を有し、攪拌脱泡用容器が、底部に開口部と、該開口部を開閉可能に塞ぐ栓部と、を有し、印象材押出装置が、開口部を開状態とした攪拌脱泡用容器を固定する容器固定部と、歯科用印象材を上から押さえ、開口部から押し出す印象材押出部と、を有し、開口部から押し出される歯科用印象材を、歯の型を取るための所定の場所へ設置することを特徴とする。【選択図】図1