The utility model disclosed the process of producing papaya yogurt comprises of nutritious dairy product as snack item for human consumption wherein at least the process comprising the steps of: washing the papaya very well slicing the papaya lengthwise and removing the seeds scraping the papaya flesh blending the scraped papaya flesh very well removing the blended papaya flesh from the blended measuring 250 ml of the blended papaya flesh pouring the measured papaya flesh in the cooking pot adding a sweetening agent and cooking at 112oC until spreading consistency removing from fire and setting aside to cool heating fresh milk to 180oF (82oC) removing the heated fresh milk from fire adding the powdered milk to the heated fresh milk stirring the mixture until well blended combining cooked papaya, milk mixture, and yogurt starter stirring the combined mixtures and pouring the stirred mixture in a sterilized container and incubate to 45oF for 6-8 hours.