This invention relates to a food processing method, the food being eggs produced by poultry. The method of this invention at least comprises step 1 to step 3, wherein step 1 is sucking and taking out the content of an egg by using a rigid hollow fine needle step 2 is fully mixing the content taken out in step 1 with additives and step 3 is backing the liquid of mixed content and additives into the egg through the hollow fine needle. Accordingly, this invention can increase the ingredients of the egg, so as to enhance the mouthfeel or nutritional value.一種食品加工方法,該食品乃指禽類所產之蛋品,本發明之方法至少包含步驟一至步驟三,其中,該步驟一係藉硬質中空細針將蛋品內容物吸汲取出;該步驟二係將步驟一所取出的內容物與添加物充份混合;該步驟三係將內容物與添加物混合後之液體由中空細針回填於蛋品之中。藉此,本發明可增加蛋品的成分,遂以提升口感或營養價值。10...步驟一20...步驟二30...步驟三