The present invention provides cancer preventive tea which is able to be made as a beverage or a medicine to let people get rid of fears of cancer which causes high medical expenses and medical insurances to treat. Thus, economical feasibility can be ensured. The cancer preventive tea is produced by mixing coffee, cinnamon, Acanthopanax, milk, and sugar to be purchased as a medicine, a powder product, or a beverage.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017우리는 암걸리면 큰일로 생각되고 치료 위해서는 병원비도 많이들고 이를 대비 보험도 많이드는데 본발명품이 음료화 제약화되어 암공포로부터 간단히 해결된다면 이는 사회에 크게 이바지도되고 발명자는 경제적 이익도 크다 하겠음