A composite litter material for detecting adisease, such as urinary tract disease, when contacted byfe-line urine includes an absorptive polymer material forminga solid matrix, exfoliated clay embedded and dispersedwithin the solid matrix, a chromogenic indicator providedwithin the solid matrix, and an oxidizing agent distributedand stabilized within the solid matrix to be responsive toperoxidase activity in the urine to activate the chromogenicindicator. A method for detecting or diagnosing a felinedisease includes contacting urine with the material andde-tecting a color change. A method of manufacturing thecomposite material includes preparing a mixturecompris-ing the absorptive polymer and water and distributing theexfoliated clay, chromogenic indicator and oxidizing agentwithin the mixture, preferably by extrusion and addition ofthe components at particular points in processing thepolymer mixture.