A quantum carrier for improvement of soil functions and method of preparation thereof, the method of preparation includes crushing the oyster shell before subjecting to a first high temperature sintering at the temperature of between 800 and 1300° C. for between 1.5 and 2.5 hour, followed by mixing with diatomaceous earth, soil and water to form a liquid oyster shell liquid for liquid sintering at a temperature of between 800 and 1300° C. for between 7 and 9 hours, to give a dimpled or honeycomb-like particle with rough surface, the quantum carrier the quantum carrier obtained by said method has the function of soil improvement, soil improvement includes self-purification of the soil, degradation of the heavy metals and toxin residues in the contaminated soil, water content increase, oxygen content increase, protein content increase, pH adjustment, pest elimination and promotion of microbial growth.