The present invention provides a method for generating an Enhanced Electrolyzed Alkaline Water solution or hydrogel formulation containing a pH of approximately 12.5 and a Sodium Hydroxide concentration between 150 and 200 ppm having excellent sanitizing and disinfecting properties. The invention further provides methods to apply the Sodium Hydroxide solution as hard surface sanitizer and as a fogging medium for sanitizing stables, barns including poultry incubators as replacement of nowadays used chemical cleaning agents or in case of fumigation replacement of formaldehyde. Finally, the invention discloses usage of modified Enhanced Electrolyzed Water formulations for use as topical treatment in veterinary applications for livestock and wherein gelling-agents, dyes, fragrances, foaming agents, biocides, biopesticides may be blended into the Enhanced Alkaline Water to address specific bactericidal or fungal diseases.