The present invention relates to a functional liquid re-decontamination, by removing the natural salt to remove various foreign substances contained in the salt and human body harmful substances of heavy metals such as mercury or cadmium (99.9%) and reprocessing by applying an energy transfer technique to it, Hazardous substances in sun salt are removed and converted into liquid energy salt, so that it can be used conveniently and variously for various foods with clean and healthy turmeric salt or lutein salt. As a technical means to implement this, basically, 32-34wt% of natural salt, 63-65wt% of purified water from which impurities are removed in the dissolution tank, and 2.5-3.5wt% of curcumin or lutein as a healthy color component are stirred for about 24 hours. The stirring step to be treated, and the various kinds of impurities and heavy metals contained in the functional brine through the primary water tank is filtered by a multi-stage filter for about 24 hours while the far-infrared energy is processed by the tourmaline transfer device, and the far infrared and Sterilization filtration step of sterilization and filtration for 24 hours to prevent the precipitate of mixed salt water through secondary storage tank allowing flow of anion and microcurrent, and transfer filtration and sterilization filtration for 3 days The water salt with the color of healthy color component is finally filtered in a clean filtration state without generating sediment. Injected group is characterized by generated via the injection filtration step.본 발명은 기능성 액상 재제염에 관한 것으로, 천일염을 재제하여 소금에 포함된 각종 이물질 및 수은이나 카드륨 등과 같은 중금속의 인체 유해물질을 완벽히(99.9%) 제거하고 여기에 에너지 전사기법을 가해 재가공시킴으로서, 천일염에 들어있는 유해물질은 제거되고 액상의 에너지물 소금으로 변환되어 깨끗하고 건강한 강황물소금 또는 루테인물소금으로 각종 음식물에 대해 편리하고도 다양하게 다양하게 사용할 수 있도록 한다. 이를 구현하기 위한 기술적 수단으로서 기본적으로, 용해조에 불순물이 제거된 정제수 63-65wt%와 함께 천일염 32-34wt%, 그리고 건강색상성분으로 커큐민 또는 루테인 2.5-3.5wt%가 투입되어 24시간 내외로 교반 처리되는 교반단계와, 1차저수조를 통해 기능성 소금물에 포함된 각종 불순물 및 중금속 등이 24시간 내외로 다단 필터에 의해 여과처리되면서 토르멀린 전