Disclosed is an image recording/regenerating system which is capable of altering the layout of an endoscope composite image displayed on a display device, and is also capable of implementing such layout alteration not just in a processor but in devices other than a processor as well. The disclosed image recording/regenerating system for recording/regenerating composite images of images inputted from a plurality of input sources, outputs a composite image data group which is provided with a constructed image for constructing a composite image, information relating to the composite image, and image layout information for the composite image the outputted composite image data group is recorded, and regeneration image specification information is set, said information being provided with information specifying a constructed image for constructing the regeneration image, information relating to the regeneration image, and image layout information for the regeneration image a regenerated image is formed from the recorded composite image data group on the basis of the set regeneration image specification information the formed regenerated image is outputted and the outputted regenerated image is received and regenerated.La présente invention concerne un système denregistrement/régénération dimage qui est capable de modifier la disposition dune image composite dendoscope affichée sur un dispositif daffichage, et est également capable de mettre en œuvre une telle modification de disposition non seulement dans un processeur mais également dans des dispositifs autres quun processeur. Le système denregistrement/régénération dimage, décrit pour enregistrer / régénérer des images composites dimages entrées depuis une pluralité de sources dentrée, transmet un groupe de données dimage composite qui est pourvu dune image construite pour construire une image composite, des informations associées à limage composite, et des informations de disposition dimage pour limage composite le g