The invention relates to a process for producing a medical implant from a titanium alloy, by investment-casting the titanium alloy in a casting mold, which corresponds to the implant that is to be produced. The invention provides for using a β-titanium alloy, hot isostatic pressing, solution annealing, and then quenching. The invention also covers a corresponding medical implant which has been produced from a titanium alloy us ing the inves tment cas ting process. The titanium alloy is a p-titanium alloy and has a mean grain size of at least 0.3 mm. The invention allows economical production of objects from p-titanium alloys using the investment casting process. The invention thereby makes it possible to combine the advantageous properties of p-titanium alloys, in particular their excellent mechanical properties, with the advantages of producing objects by the precision casting process. The invention enables even implants of complex shapes, such as femur parts (1) of hip joint prostheses, which it has been impossible (economically) to produce by conventional forging processes, to be produced from a P-titanium alloy.