The invention relates to a method for producing a medical implant from a titaniumalloy by precision casting the titanium alloy in a mold corresponding to the implantto be produced. The invention uses a ß-titanium alloy, hot-isostatic pressing,solution annealing and subsequent quenching. The invention also relates toa corresponding medical implant that is made from a titanium alloy in the precisioncasting method. The titanium alloy is a ß-titanium alloy and has a mean grain-sizeof at least 0.3 mm. The invention enables an efficient production of objects fromß-titanium alloys in the precision casting process. The invention thuscreates the possibility of combining the advantageous properties of ß-titaniumalloys, particularly their excellent mechanical properties, with the advantagesof a production of objects in the precision casting process. Even implants havingcomplex shapes, such as femoral parts (1) of hip joint prostheses, which couldnot or could not be sensibly produced by conventional forging methods, can nowbe produced from a ß-titanium alloy thanks to the invention.