Process to selectively take advantage of the components of the fruit of the oaks (quercus ilex) (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)
Process to selectively take advantage of the components of the holm oak fruit (quercus ilex) that, from the collection of the same, includes the stages of: a) preliminary preparation of the descaling and skinned acorn, b) drying, c) extraction of oil by means of cold extrusion, to obtain, on the one hand, oil and, on the other hand, an acorn mass that is totally or partially defatted, d) filtration of the oil so that it is free of undesirable elements and humidity, and e) collection and packaging of the total or partially defatted dough for shipment to food applications. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)Proceso para aprovechar selectivamente los componentes del fruto de las encinas (Quercus ilex) que, a partir de la recolección de la misma, comprende las etapas de: a) preparación preliminar de la bellota de descascarillado y despellejado, b) secado, c) extracción de aceite mediante extrusión en frío, para obtener, por un lado, aceite y, por otro, una masa de bellota que está total o parcialmente desgrasada, d) filtración del aceite para que quede exento de elementos indeseables y humedad, y e) recogida y envasado de la masa total o parcialmente desgrasada para su envío a aplicaciones alimentarias.