- 专利权人:
- 井関農機株式会社
- 发明人:
- 岡田 卓也,加藤 哲,玉井 利男
- 申请号:
- JP2010016867
- 公开号:
- JP5347994B2
- 申请日:
- 2010.01.28
- 申请国别(地区):
- JP
- 年份:
- 2013
- 代理人:
- 摘要:
To provide a rice transplanter enabling proper paddy field work ON a field roughened by turning of the machine at a levee side without hindering the paddy field work such as planting of seedlings in reciprocating traveling work ON the field, and capable of properly operating a planting part and to provide a rice transplanter strongly leveling uneven field surface to prevent sinking of the machine and enabling proper paddy field work.
SOLUTION: The rice transplanter includes a controller 22 to control lift adjustment and operation of a planting part corresponding to the turning motion of the machine. Count of traveling distance is started by the handle operation for turning or stop of planting work and the operation control of the planting part by the controller is performed when the traveling distance count reaches a prescribed turning traveling distance under the condition that an automatic changeover switch 23 is turned ON at the START of transplantation.
- 来源网站:
- 中国工程科技知识中心