A kind of novelty lactic bacteria strain, bacteria inhibiting composition and application thereof containing that, comprising: a kind of novelty lactic acid Pediococcus pentosaceus strain (Pediococcus pentosaceus) or the bacterial strain squamous subculture Hou generation; The preservation of what Hsinchu Foodstuff Industrial and Development Inst.'s living resources and research center are deposited by the bacterial strain system, and deposit number is BCRC910480, which can inhibit luminous bacillus (or p pestic) (Photobacterium damselae) etc. pathogens growth; And one include 4012 bacterial strain of lactic acid bacteria composition, the composition system be the forms such as animal feed additive or animal medical composition.一種新穎乳酸菌株、含彼之抑菌組合物及其用途,包括:一種新穎乳酸戊糖片球菌株(Pediococcus pentosaceus),或該菌株的繼代培養後代;該菌株係寄存於新竹食品工業發展研究所生物資源保存及研究中心,寄存編號為BCRC910480,該菌株可以抑制發光桿菌(或稱巴斯德桿菌)(Photobacterium damselae)等病原菌之生長;以及一包含該乳酸菌4012菌株之組合物,該組合物係為動物飼料添加物或動物用醫療組合物等形式。