КНОПОВ Виктор (US),ВИТТЕ Ричард П. (US),КАРМАЛИ Прия (US),ЛИ Робин (US),ВЕББ Дэвид (US)
1. A system for sterile production of lipid and nucleic acid nanoparticles, comprising: a first storage unit for an organic lipid solution containing lipids in a water-miscible organic solvent; a second storage unit for an aqueous solution containing a therapeutic drug; a mixing unit, an injection means for adding an organic solution lipids into the mixing chamber; third water buffer storage unit; dilution unit; concentrating unit containing a tangential filter for concentric anija and removing the organic solvent; and a vessel for collecting a concentrated suspension of liposomes after removal of the organic solvent; in which the mixing unit contains an aqueous solution of the drug, and the lipid solution is gradually added to the solution of the drug in the mixing node for at least 5 minutes to obtain a mixture of lipids and drug related lipid: RNA is not more than 12: 1, in which a mixture of lipids and a drug is transferred to a dilution unit and diluted by adding an aqueous buffer; and where Topic consists of components, which are sterilized and disposable so as to be adapted for single primeneniya.2. The system of claim 1, further comprising a unit for preparing an organic lipid solution connected to the first storage unit. The system of claim 1, further comprising a filter for sterilizing the organic lipid solution, while the solution is transferred to the first storage unit. The system of claim 1, wherein the lipid solution, the solution1. Система для стерильного получения наночастиц липидов и нуклеиновых кислот, включающая:первый узел хранения органического липидного раствора, содержащего липиды в смешивающемся с водой органическом растворителе;второй узел хранения водного раствора, содержащего терапевтическое лекарственное средство;узел смешивания,инжекционное средство для добавления органического раствора липидов в смесительную камеру;третий узел хранения водного буфера;узел разбавления;концентрирующий узел, содержащий тангенциальный фильтр для концентрир