< Topic > In the former tongue brush just the part where the soiling of tongue is visible had scraped with the tongue brush, but as for the inner part being dark, it was not understood from half of the tongue where fur coating of tongue and the soiling have been attached most. It did not wipe off in the opening even outside that, the opening washings and penetration the liquid gearwheel to cotton sphere, massage etc of the gearwheel pedicle it was not possible to do. Solutions The light/write which can do to illuminate in the opening directly in the white LED light/write equipped tongue brush and outer part top of the neck which is in the Tip of the handle of the tongue cotton rod is provided, the brush body or the tongue cotton rod is inserted in the neck under that light/write and the female screw 16 which is used is provided.【課題】従来の舌ブラシでは舌の汚れが見える部分だけ舌ブラシで掻き取っていたが、舌苔や汚れが一番多く付いている舌の半分から奥は暗くてわからなかった。その外にも口の中を拭き取ったり、綿球に口洗液や液体歯磨を染み込ませて歯茎のマッサージなどする事ができなかった。【解決手段】 白色LEDライト付き舌ブラシ兼舌綿棒体の柄の先端にある首部の外側上部に口の中を直接照らす事ができるライトを設け、そのライトの下の首部の中にブラシ体又は舌綿棒体を差し込んで使用する雌ネジ16を設けている。