The brush body (2) the bristle flux (12) in the base substance (11) in the electromotive toothbrush which it goes and returns exercises to the direction which planting facilities is done, in order ahead the hair the gearwheel pedicle and the gearwheel lap it goes and returns to exercise to the direction which thrusts the pocket, had the fear rather of damaging the gearwheel pedicle and the like. The electromotive toothbrush of this invention as for (1), the bristle flux (12) in the base substance (11) planting facilities is done the brush body which (2) and the aforementioned brush body the aforementioned bristle flux planting facilities is done it goes and returns exercises to the direction which the vertical reciprocating motion section which (3) and the aforementioned brush body goes and returns exercises the central dot where moved the case where, according to the migration length, because adds pressure to the brush body on opposite side to aforementioned movement the pressure section which it possesses (4), the hair first it occurs to absorb the bombardment which, because on the one hand the hair pressure it can be added first, damaging the gearwheel pedicle and the like without cleaning inside the sufficient buccal cavityIt is possible.ブラシ体(2)の剛毛束(12)が基体(11)に植設された方向に往復運動する電動歯ブラシでは、毛先が歯茎や歯周ポケットを突き刺す方向に往復運動するため、却って歯茎等を傷めるおそれがあった。本発明の電動歯ブラシ(1)は、剛毛束(12)が基体(11)に植設されたブラシ体(2)と、前記ブラシ体を前記剛毛束が植設された方向に往復運動させる縦往復運動部(3)と、前記ブラシ体が往復運動する中心点が移動した際には、その移動距離に応じて前記移動と反対側にブラシ体に圧力を加える圧力部(4)を有するので、毛先に生じる衝撃を吸収し、一方で毛先に圧力を加えられるので、歯茎等を傷めることなく十分な口腔内掃除が可能である。