< Topic >In the handle, by the fact that the structure which assists containment and manipulation is provided, manipulation being easy even in the person whose grasping power is weak, to lighten the burden of the wrist, containment the handle strongly in stability. SolutionsTop provides the holding section 2 of structure of dome condition with the saddle die junction to handle 4, leans forward in the first portion of top of holding section and 2 provides the hoop section 3 of the structure where the cylindrical condition which extends protrudes as though it is drawing 1. Hooking the index finger and the thumb to hoop section 3, you grasp in annulation, you install the grip auxiliary tool 1 which it tries to be able to place thumb sphere of the hand in holding section 2, on handle 4. < Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】柄に、保持や操作を補助する構造物を設けることで、握力の弱い人にも操作が容易で、手首の負担を軽減し、柄を安定で強く保持できる。【解決手段】図1の如く、柄4に接合する鞍型で上部がドーム状の構造の掌握部2を設け、掌握部2の上部の前半部に前傾して突き出る円柱状の突起する構造の指環部3を設ける。人差し指と親指を指環部3に引っ掛けて環状に握り、手の母指球を掌握部2にのせられる様にしたグリップ補助具1を、柄4の上に取り付ける。【選択図】図1