The present invention provides a planting or manufacturing method of tender and white tea, in which shading (or darkness) control is employed basically for a tea tree from growing, picking or tea making process. In growing the tea tree, all or part of the leaves are covered with opaque bags to block sunlight, so that the leaves or leaf buds of the tea tree become white and tender due to loss of illumination for a long time. Part or all of the process of picking or tea making (wilding, fermenting, killing out, rubbing, drying or baking) also avoids light (to prevent the tea leaves from maturing due to continuous illumination). If lighting is required in the working process, light with a frequency which leaves generally do not absorb is used as a light source so as to reduce the maturing of the leaves.本發明嫩白化茶葉之種植或製造法,基本上茶樹從種植、採青或茶葉製造過程都進行遮光(或黑暗)控制。茶樹種植時全部或部分之樹葉用不透光袋包住,擋住陽光,使茶樹葉或樹葉芽經長時間失去光照,使之變白變嫩。採青或茶葉之部分或全部製程(萎凋、發酵、殺青、揉捻、乾燥或焙火)也避免光(防止茶樹葉繼續受光照老化),若工作時需要用光照明,一般使用樹葉不太吸收頻率的光作為光源,以降低樹葉之老化。