The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing seasoned dried radish manufactured by mixing the seasoned dried radish with seasoning, which lowers the bitterness of the seasoned dried radish and prevents the seasoned dried radish and the seasoning from separating during storage. The seasoned dried radish manufactured by the method of the present invention removes the bitterness of the seasoned dried radish which is unique to the seasoned dried radish due to mineral elements contained in the deep ocean water, and improves the storage of the seasoned dried radish without using preservatives, and in addition to the same, the texture of the seasoned dried radish, which originally has a hard texture, is softened to be chewed and ground easily when consumed, the taste of the seasoned dried radish is improved as the seasoning is filled into inner pores of the seasoned dried radish and uniformly seeped, and the seasoning of glutinous rice glue coated onto the surface of the seasoned dried radish is combined with the seasoned dried radish to inhibit the separation of the seasoned dried radish and the seasoning.본 발명은 무말랭이를 양념에 버무려서 제조되는 무말랭이 무침의 제조방법에 관한 것으로서, 무말랭이의 쓴맛을 낮추고 저장 중 무말랭이와 양념이 분리되는 것을 방지하도록 하는 것이다.본 발명의 방법으로 제조되는 무말랭이 무침은 해양심층수에 함유된 미네랄 성분으로 인하여 무말랭이 특유의 쓴맛이 제거되고 보존료를 사용하지 않아도 무말랭이 무침의 저장성이 향상되며, 또한 본래 딱딱한 식감의 무말랭이의 조직이 부드러워져서 섭취시 씹어서 분쇄하기가 수월하고 무말랭이 내부 기공에 양념이 채워지면서 고루 배이게 되어 무말랭이 무침의 맛이 향상되며, 무말랭이 표면에 도포된 찹쌀풀이 양념을 무말랭이와 결착시켜 무말랭이와 양념의 분리현상을 억제한다.