The present invention provides a vegetable and fruit wash container. The vegetable and fruit wash container is comprised of a water container used to contain water in it, an opening opened on the water container, a board used to immerse all the vegetable and fruit in water, and a water pipe having an extensible part for receiving water. The extensible part is used to get to the water with chlorine as close as possible against the volatilization of chlorine.本發明提供一種蔬果浸泡清洗容器,該蔬果浸泡清洗容器包含一蓄水容器,該蓄水容器上一開口,一固定在該蓄水容器的一壓菜板,及一固定在該蓄水容器的至少一部分可伸縮的水管;該壓菜板用以將蔬菜水果完全浸泡在水中;該水管的可伸縮部用以調整該水管的該進水口與該帶氯進水的距離,該進水口與該帶氯進水的距離越接近越能降低該帶氯進水中的氯從空氣中揮發。101‧‧‧蓄水容器102‧‧‧第一開口103‧‧‧壓菜板104‧‧‧第一連接器105‧‧‧第二連接器109‧‧‧水平面199‧‧‧最小高度的頂端