FIELD: physics. ^ SUBSTANCE: group of inventions refers to a way and the device for automatic loading of tests of liquid chromatography. The way of automatic loading of test includes installation of a removable tip on a sampler with use of the automatic manipulator for a liquid. Thus the sampler forms a part of the automatic manipulator for a liquid. Then sampler moving by the automatic manipulator for a liquid is carried out in a loading position near to the test. Test loading in a removable tip is carried out with use of the automatic manipulator for a liquid. After that the sampler is moved by the automatic manipulator for a liquid in an introduction position near the port for tests introduction. Then insertion of the removable tip is carried out in the internal channel of the port for tests introduction, and the internal channel has a ring shoulder so the removable tip densely fits to the ring shoulder, and test introduction from a removable tip in the internal channel of the port for tests introduction.