Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Саратовский научно-исследовательский институт травматологии и ортопедии" Министерства здравоохранения и социального развития Российской Федерации (ФГБ
Барабаш Анатолий Петрович (RU),Барабаш Юрий Анатольевич (RU),Шпиняк Сергей Петрович (RU)
1. A device for reduction and fixation of bone fragments of long bones with intramedullary osteosynthesis, characterized in that it includes two identical pairs Branche pairwise hingedly connected cylindrical axes, and having on the one hand with grippers arranged on their inner surface teeth and on the other hand - the handle, the ends of which are connected via their fixing position of elements, and reposition the assembly consisting of the support vertically oriented and longitudinally elongated holder body in the form of three ball k and three rod pairs are oriented in a horizontal, vertical and sagittal planes and fixed to each other movably relative to each other by couplings, with the middle part of the rods provided with protrusions to facilitate their movement, and the outer surface of the rods on either side of protrusions affixed multidirectional thread couplings, through which the rod has an internal thread corresponding to the thread portion of rod extending therethrough one pair Branche through a cylindrical axle is rigidly connected to a vertically oriented beam, the second pair Branche connected through a cylindrical axle pivotably around a vertically oriented rod, wherein one end of the cylindrical axle is fixed on the threaded sleeve vertically oriented rod, and by its second end to it mounted locking screw for fixing the position of the second pair bransh.2. Method reposition and fixation of fragments of long bones with intramedullary osteosynthesis, characterized in that1. Устройство для репозиции и фиксации отломков длинных трубчатых костей при интрамедуллярном остеосинтезе, характеризующееся тем, что оно включает две идентичные пары бранш, попарно шарнирно соединенные цилиндрическими осями и имеющие с одной стороны захваты с расположенными на их внутренней поверхности зубцами, а с другой стороны - рукоятки, концы которых соединены с помощью фиксирующих их положение элементов, и репозиционный узел, состоящий из вертикально ориентированного опорн