A wrist orthosis (1) for support of a patient's wrist, comprising a wire frame(2) for engagement witha forearm (F), wrist (W), and hand (H) of a patient, the wire frame (2)comprising a radial wiresection (3) configured to extend in a distal direction along the forearm,wrist and toward a radialside of the hand. The radial wire section (3) is connected to a palmar wiresection (4) configured toextend in lateral direction from the radial side of the hand along a palmarregion (6) thereof towardan ulnar side of the hand. The palmar wire section (4) is connected to anulnar wire section (5)configured to extend from the ulnar side of the hand in proximal directiontoward an along the wristand forearm. The radial and ulnar wire sections (3,5) are laterally spacedapart along anintermediate dorsal region (7) of the hand.