Ryabtseva Svetlana Andreevna,Рябцева Светлана Андреевна,Marugina Elena Valerevna,Маругина Елена Валерьевна,Khramtsov Andrej Georgievich,Храмцов Андрей Георгиевич,Paramonova Anastasiya Anatolevna,Парам
FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: composition includes agar, stevioside, natural juice: fruit, berry, vegetable or a mixture thereof, milk whey, fermented using an acidophilous bacterium, with a cell concentration of 108-109 CFU/cm3 and acidity of 110-250°T, water, with the following ratio of components, kg per 100 kg of ready jelly marmalade: agar - 6-12, stevioside - 0.5-1.5, natural juice: fruit, berry, vegetable or their mixture - 5-15, milk whey, fermented using an acidophilous bacterium, with a cell concentration of 108-109 CFU/cm3 and acidity of 110-250°T - 5-15 and water - the rest. The method for preparation of jelly marmalade with probiotic properties involves preparation of agar-stevioside syrup, for which the agar is soaked in water with a temperature of 10-15°C in a ratio of 1:30 and left to swell for 1-2 hours, heated to complete dissolution of the agar, stevioside is added. Next, the resulting agar-stevioside syrup is boiled to a solids content of 76-78%, after which the mixture is cooled to a temperature of 50-55°C. Then natural juice is introduced: fruit, berry, vegetable or their mixture and milk whey. At that, the whey is pre-fermented using an acidophilous bacterium with a cell concentration of 108-109 CFU/cm3 and acidity of 110-250°T. The finished product is further quickly mixed, formed, cooled and packed.EFFECT: increased number of living cells of probiotic culture - the acidophilous bacterium, improved taste and colour of the finished product.2 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к пищевой промышленности, в частности к производству кондитерских изделий, и может быть использовано при производстве мармелада с функциональными свойствами. Композиция для приготовления желейного мармелада с пробиотическими свойствами включает агар, стевиозид, натуральный сок: фруктовый, ягодный, овощной или их смесь, молочную сыворотку, ферментированную с использованием ацидофильной палочки, с концентрацией клеток 108-109 КОЕ/см3 и кислотностью 110-250°Т, воду, при следующ