[ Challenge ] safe installation and perfect operation to provide a possible animal trap devices . A base 1 is fixed on to the base rotatably , a U- shaped wire retaining frame 11 of the pair of retaining grooves in the outer peripheral portion of the capture wire A1 A Animal trap device , U -shaped a working plate 3 and the footplate 20 which is fixed on the base end is urged to the base direction and elastically rotatably in the wire retaining frame , is pivotally secured to the base on the same , an actuating member and a spring 4 that the operating auxiliary hooked 6 and actuation preventing claw 5 can be locked from above and below the U- shaped wire holding frame of the pair , is biased in a direction operating auxiliary hooked operation and preventing pawl away from the footplate a holding mechanism configured to be held in the horizontal vicinity of the working plate and the tread , the tip is formed into a loop , and means for biasing in a direction to reduce the loop size and means that can be freely changed the loop diameter and a capture wire having . [ Selection ] Figure Figure 1【課題】確実な作動と安全な設置が可能な動物用罠装置を提供する。【解決手段】動物用罠装置は、基台1と、回動自在に基台上に固定され、捕獲ワイヤを外周部の溝で保持する一対のU字状ワイヤ保持枠11と、U字状ワイヤ保持枠内において一端が回動自在にかつ弾性的に基台方向に付勢されて基台上に固定された踏み板20と、同じく基台上に回動可能に固定された作動板3と、一対のU字状ワイヤ保持枠を上下より係止できる作動防止爪5および作動補助爪6と、作動防止爪および作動補助爪が踏み板から遠ざかる方向に付勢するバネ4とを有する作動部材と、踏み板と作動板とを水平近傍に保持できるように構成された保持機構と、先端がループ状に構成され、ループ径を自在に変更できる手段とループ径を縮小する方向に付勢する手段とを有する捕獲ワイヤとからなる。【選択図】図1