Device for mixing products with shower water, applicable to be installed as an accessory attached to the faucet (7) of the shower water, to mix, selectively and when desired, salts, soaps, oils or products suitable with the water coming out of said tap (7), is characterized by comprising, a tank (2) for incorporating the products, comprising, at least, an inlet connection (3) of water and an outlet connection (4) ) of water, provided respectively with a first key (5) and a second key (6) for passage, which are respectively coupled to the outlet of the tap (7) by means of a first section of hose (8), and exit of the shower (9) through a second hose (10), in such a way that, when opening the tap (7), and the keys (5, 6) of the inlet (3) and outlet ( 4) open, the water passes through the interior of the tank (2) before going to the exit of the shower (9) mixing with the product that contains said deposit (2); also comprising, next to the inlet connection (3) of the tank (2) a bypass (11) of another section of hose that directly connects the first section of hose (8) with the second hose (10) interposing an internal valve, in such a way that, with the keys (5, 6) of the inlet (3) and outlet (4) connections closed, the water passes directly towards the outlet of the shower (9) without passing through the tank (2). (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)1. Dispositivo para mezclar productos con el agua de la ducha que, aplicable para instalarse como accesorio acoplado al grifo (7) del agua de la ducha, para mezclar, de modo selectivo y cuando así se desee, sales, jabones, aceites o productos adecuados con el agua que sale de dicho grifo (7), está caracterizado por comprender, un depósito (2) para incorporar los productos, que comprende, al menos, una conexión de entrada (3) de agua y una conexión de salida (4) de agua, provistas respectivamente de una primera llave (5) y de una segunda llave (6) de paso, que se acoplan, respectivamente, a la salida