To provide a lifting hanger for a nursing lift which is released from pressing on a thigh portion caused by a heavy-duty supporting belt of a belt-type nursing care lifting hanger. A hanging belt inserted through a hanger belt insertion hole drilled in the vicinity of both ends of the seat plate and both ends of which are hooked on a hook of a nursing care lifter A wide belt that abuts on the back of the care recipient and turns toward the front of the hanging strap of the thigh support through the armpit to prevent the upper body from tilting back and forth And an upper body supporting tool (B) composed of a pair of hanging strings (3) sandwiched between the back side of the wide belt and a pair of suspension cords (4) sewn to the back side of the center portion of the wide belt at a substantially back width. (FIG.【課題】ベルト型の介護リフト用吊り具の太脚支持ベルトによって生じていた太腿部への圧迫から開放される介護リフト用吊り具を提供する。【解決手段】要介護者を着座させる座板と、該座板の両端近傍に穿設された吊りベルト挿通孔に挿通され、その両端部が介護リフトのフックに掛止される吊りベルトとで構成された大腿部支持具と、要介護者の背中に当接し、脇の下を介して前記大腿部支持具の吊り紐の前方に回して上体の前後への傾倒を抑止する幅広なベルト3と、該幅広なベルトの中央部裏面に略背幅間隔で縫着された2本の吊り紐4とでなる上体支持具Bと、で構成されてなる介護リフト用吊り具による。【選択図】図3