FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: according to the fat sauce production method, the fat component used is represented by milk fat substitute based on fractioned and partly hydrogenised vegetable oils produced by the interesterification method the fat component is prepared by way of tempering during 24 h at 18-28 °C part of dry components are prepared by way of milling salt, sugar and carrots into a finely dispersed condition the tempered fat component is loaded into a vessel containing a mixer homogeniser system ensuring the product circulation from the vessel bottom into its upper part and back, the vessel equipped with a vacuum pump for the product aeration the fat component is loaded in two stages at the first stage one stirs half of the recipe quantity at the second stage one adds the remaining part of the fat component and proceeds with stirring until production of a homogenous moving mass then, the homogeniser operating at constant rotation rate, one adds the dry components that are preliminarily loaded into a separate vessel with heavier components alternating with lighter ones the sauce is homogenised during 3 min then, the homogeniser operating at variable rotation rate, one performs further cooling to 22-24 °C with subsequent packing of the ready product.EFFECT: invention allows to extend the range of fat sauces, enhance the product quality and produce a stable emulsion having homogenous non-segregating structure.Изобретение относится к области пищевой промышленности, а более конкретно к технологиям приготовления соуса, и может использоваться при производстве жирового соуса. Способ получения жирового соуса предусматривает использование в качестве жирового компонента заменителя молочного жира на основе фракционированных и частично гидрогенизированных растительных масел, произведенного методом переэтерификации, его подготовку путем темперирования в течение 24 часов при температуре 18-28 C°, подготовку части сухих компонентов, которую осуществляют путем измельч